Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Names, Nicknames, and Endearments

Hannah was the name we most often used.  No sense confusing an Airegirl who doesn't know her name by using several different names. 

But after she learned her name, we sometimes called her Bana or Hannah-Bana.  She responded to both.

She had such a gentle, sweet spirit, so concerned about pleasing us and staying out of trouble that I didn't have the heart to call her an unkind name, even if only in play.  Somehow I sensed her spirit would understand.

But endearments.  Yes, she was Sweetie, .....

And sometimes we called her Ferdinand.

She would ask to go outside, then find a spot in the sun on a cool day, or a spot in the shade on a warm day, and just lie there watching the world go by.

Dear girl.

(This post was written about five months after we said good-bye to Hannah.)

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