Friday, August 30, 2024

It Was a Crummy Summer

Hi, friends.  Nona here writing to you

A long, long time ago, in June, something unhappy happened to my mum.  She and I were both unhappy -- her because she was in pain and me because I was stuck at home without all the attention my mum usually gives me.

This is me the day before it happened.  Everything was fine.  I was just snoozing away like the world was going to go on the way it always did.

Airedale Nona
But the next morning, my mum and my sister got up really early and went away, then my sister came home without my mum.  Before she left Mum told me she would be back later, but she didn't tell me she wouldn't be like herself.  When she came home, they wouldn't let me greet her at the door, and when they finally did let me go to her she had this cage in front of her and I couldn't get close enough to give her a real greeting.  She slept on the fold-out couch in our family room.  And she slept a LOT!

I was worried about her.

Airedale Nona
She walked with the cage in front of her but she hardly walked at all at first.  And she didn't let me on the couch to cuddle, either.  My sister was the one who took me out for walks but only when it wasn't too hot for the sidewalk to hurt my feet.  We had a really hot summer so I didn't get many walks.
Airedale Nona
Mum isn't going for long walks in the neighborhood yet, but she's going out to the yard and throws the ball for me so we can play.  And she lets me on the couch for cuddles and gets my food ready and things are mostly back to normal.  Mum tells me it's still too hot for me to go for many walks but my sister takes me when it's cool enough.  My mum's slowly getting back to normal.

It was a pretty crummy summer.  I was hoping fall would be better but mum told me the other day that this is going to happen all over again in October.  Sometimes it's rough being an Airedale.   I hope your mum never has a problem like this.

Nancy here.  The cage Nona mentioned is a walker which I used after a knee replacement.  And it's true, Nona didn't get the usual amount of attention from me during those first weeks after surgery.  We're mostly back to normal, though I think she didn't mind missing toe clips.

Nancy and Nona